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I am writing this blog to discuss what is going on in the Animal world, mainly pet dogs, cats etc but sometimes other wild animals. Looking forward to you joining me and discussing posts. Thank you for visiting us :)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Could You, Would You Adopt An Older Dog?

Everyone likes a puppy but there are so many older dogs in rescue as well who also deserve a home. Could You, Would You  Adopt An Older Dog?

When you think of getting a dog to add to your family do you think of a puppy or does an  older dog ever appeal to you ?

Often overlooked these oldier dogs also need loving homes. Some are pedigree, some mixed breed. Many still in very good health with many years ahead of them. What if you could make a senior dogs day by taking him/her home with you ?

Many people have worries that if they take on an older dog, the dog may die soon, or that there will be expensive vet bills. However,while valid points vet bills can and do come along for dogs at any age. A young age does not mean good health. also with a pup there are many added costs of neutering, vaccinations, vet checks etc

If you are looking for a dog take a look at this site where the benefits and considerations of older dogs are discussed in a practical and pragmatic way.

If you dont need a puppy maybe an older dog might just be the one that you want?

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