Welcome To Simply Animals

I am writing this blog to discuss what is going on in the Animal world, mainly pet dogs, cats etc but sometimes other wild animals. Looking forward to you joining me and discussing posts. Thank you for visiting us :)

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Neuter and Spay please !

Wonderful video from the Oldies Club about why we all should be neutering and spaying our animal friends. 


There are just too many unwanted dogs and cats in the world. We must not add to the misery of these unwanted kittens and puppies by allowing our pet to mate by mistake and produce pups or kittens no one wants.  

Responsible breeders make sure the animal is very well looked after during pregnancy and that there are caring, loving homes for the offspring to go to and always take back the dog or cat if there is a problem. 

By the time you have taken in to account extra food, vaccinations, vet bills, time, effort, nights up and finding caring dedicated homes for the litters etc It is not an easy way to make money.

Unplanned and unwanted litters and sometimes the pregnant Mum often end up in the pound, rescue or on the streets or dumped to die.

Spread the word to make the sensible choice for your pet and do not take the risk. 

Please watch the video.   

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